October 2015 RiskSystem ezine Welcome To The Latest RiskSystem Newsletter Current Observations and Musings It seemed a particularly quiet summer – at least until the end of August. Perhaps economic recovery meant more people were on vacation. Or maybe the regulators decided we all needed some time off to digest all the recent legislative changes – fat chance! Still Greece […] September 17, 2015, by administrator
Exchange Traded Commodities Exchange Traded Commodities – Are they eligible? The Undertakings for the Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) rules forbid funds to invest in commodities or in financial derivatives instruments of commodities with embedded delivery mechanisms. Nevertheless, fund managers have several other avenues to explore in order to gain exposure to the price of commodities, however […] September 17, 2015, by administrator
VaR Days Value at Risk (VaR) models are now thoroughly embedded in European risk management practice and have even received regulatory imprimatur in UCITS legislation. However all models are only as good as the assumptions used in their construction and so, after a month where there were some extreme market moves, it is reasonable to ask how […] September 7, 2015, by administrator
Why China Matters As my old boss said twenty plus years ago “anything times the number of people in China is a very big number”. China is now extremely important to global GDP growth and a slowdown there, or worse a recession, will have profound implications for the rest of the world – in particular countries that export […] September 7, 2015, by administrator
Redemption Gates Redemption Gates and Liquidity Management There are some interesting discussions going around concerning redemption gates. This has been raised at SEC money market hearings over the past year or so. Jennifer Marietta-Westberg, Deputy Director and Deputy Chief Economist in the Division of Economic and Risk Analysis (DERA), stated: “Redemption gates will provide a fund’s board […] March 4, 2015, by administrator
Annex IV Feedback Annex IV – How was it for you? Fund managers affected by the EU’s Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) have been preparing for their Annex IV regulatory filing for some time now. For firms that obtained their Variation of Permission (VOP) which enabled them to operate as authorised AIFMs on AIFMD’s implementation deadline of […] March 4, 2015, by administrator
March ezine Welcome To The Latest RiskSystem Newsletter Current Observations and Musings Well it’s certainly been an interesting past few months- the escalation of the Ukraine situation, the horrendous shootings in Paris, the collapse in oil prices (and many other commodities eg copper), the commencement of QE in Europe and the coming to power of Syriza in […] March 4, 2015, by administrator
Large Fines are Coming Non-compliance with AIFMD risk management obligations could lead to (very) large fines for asset managers As we pointed out last summer in back to the future , but its worth repeating, for the first time in the history of asset management, risk management is on a par with portfolio management as a result of AIFMD. From […] March 4, 2015, by administrator
Risk Management for Real Estate Companies Property Risk An analysis of AIFMD as applied to Real Estate Investment Trusts and Property Companies The Alternative Investment Fund Management Directive (AIFMD) is a piece of European Union legislation aimed specifically at “non-standard” funds that wish to operate and market themselves within the Union. In direct response to the recent financial crisis there are […] March 3, 2015, by administrator